The party was supposed to start at 7:02 pm. It was election night 2008. The first African- American President of the United Stated was to be elected...but K.D, had other plans for the night...and the Devil had other plans for him. Over the course of the next 24 hours, six friends who thought they were coming over to have a good time, find themselves spiraling down the rabbit hell.


  1. 1致命催眠 2.0
  2. 2娃娃屋 6.9
  3. 3摇篮曲 0.0
  4. 4今宵多珍重 4.8
  5. 5家庭晚餐 0.0
  6. 6短柄斧 0.0
  7. 7黑暗 死亡 可怕 1.0
  8. 8麻木英语 3.0
  9. 9为了正义 6.0
  10. 10“那个”所在的森林 0.0
  11. 11大家的歌 0.0
  12. 12第19分部 2.0
  13. 13鬼来了 0.0
  14. 14僵尸福星仔粤语 10.0
  15. 15争产合家欢 0.0
  16. 16生死环线 0.0
  17. 17假阳性 7.0
  18. 18恶趣味2020 0.0
  19. 19许愿2017 5.9
  20. 20今晚她来了 3.9
  21. 21爱上你杀了你 0.0
  22. 22山羊妈妈和她的三个孩子 0.0
  23. 23祭屋出租 8.1
  24. 24我们有鬼啦 0.0
  25. 25赶尸人 0.0
  26. 26独自一人 2.0
  27. 27尸变菌株 9.0
  28. 28红衣女鬼 5.8
  29. 29亲爱的大卫 0.0
  30. 30死亡直播2021 0.0